Ningguo Fiemme Automotive Parts Co.,Ltd
Rubber elastic durability testing machine
Rubber static stiffness testing machine
The rubber static stiffness test standard refers to the standard for static stiffness testing of rubber-like materials. Rubber material is a material with high elasticity and plasticity, which is widely used in various industrial fields. When using rubber materials, they need to be tested for static stiffness to determine their elasticity and stiffness and other performance indicators, so as to ensure their stability and reliability during use .
The rubber fatigue testing machine analyzes the results of the entire test, such as elongation, stress, strain, failure value, average value, etc. The rubber tensile machine can also be used to destroy the test piece according to the type or requirements of the test object and obtain the whole test process, and analyze the physical characteristics of the test sample, such as tensile force, compressive resistance, bending resistance, fatigue, peeling force, bending, etc. In addition, there are test piece making equipment, such as air compression test cutting machine, hard test piece cutting machine, hot press forming machine, etc., which can make standard test pieces more accurate .
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